The tip of eating SUSHI and Manners


- Manners for Eating Sushi

Long time ago, it was the manner to eat sushi with hand but now it is ok to use chopsticks. It is considered that a traditional way is to take fresh Nigiri-zushi by hand and eat it in one bite, and it is believed that this is the best way to enjoy sushi. 

I make sure to eat sushi with hand at pricey restaurants because I want to feel traditional vibes. If you felt a little greasy or fishy , you should eat "Gari" (pickled ginger)


- The ideal order to eat sushi.

Start eating with light taste and move on to rich and fatty taste. But I think you should order what you want whenever you feel like it. That is the good thing about eating at a sushi restaurant.


- How to dip it in soy sauce

When you eat Nigiri-zushi, make sure to dip only sashimi in soy sauce. If it absorbs soy sauce too much, makes it more salty and moreover harder to eat it because the rice will break apart.

Keeping the topping side down and deliver it to your mouth, you'll enjoy that the harmony of rice crumbling in your mouth, fresh fish and soy sauce is delicious.

When you eat Gunkan-maki (sushi roll), use "Gari" or ginger to put soy sauce. Dip it in soy sauce and touch sushi topping with it.

...and enjoy! 

I hope you’ll have a great time in Japan!
Thank you for reading my article
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  1. SOUNDS GREAT! Makes me wanna eat Sushi your way! Thank you!

    1. Thank you for reading! If you would refer to this tip, it makes the sushi more delicious definitely!


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